Hello, everyone-
Hope this year has started off great for all! I (Alfonso) am quite sad that I will not be able to meet you guys on Friday meetings! But I will try my best to help around in ANY way possible! For example...posting information on this blog page, which I find a little difficult to use...but also AWESOME because I can still communicate with the club.
I believe Jessica and Esperanza have shared the new ideas for this year. One of the things the club needs more of is: Club/Friend/Family/Community bonding. Creating a family-like feeling/sense with one another and becoming well connected with our club members will only strengthen the club.
One way we can do this is by communicating with the entire group...maybe presenting yourself to the club and sharing your values, your favorite class, or your intended career. Making the club a family will make Friday meetings more enjoyable and could potentially attract more students.
Hope to visit the club soon!